MiCor™ A100

2018年1月26日—MiCorA100WearableECGRecorder.Applicant.MITACINTERNATIONALCORP.NO.200,WENHUA2NDRD.GUISHANDIST.TAOYUANCITY,TW33383.Applicant ...,2017年9月19日—TheMiCor™appworksoptimallywiththegroundbreakingMiCor™A100ECGwearablecardiaceventrecorder,to...。參考影片的文章的如下:


510(k) Premarket Notification

2018年1月26日 — MiCor A100 Wearable ECG Recorder. Applicant. MITAC INTERNATIONAL CORP. NO. 200, WEN HUA 2ND RD. GUISHAN DIST. TAOYUAN CITY, TW 33383. Applicant ...

在App Store 上的「MiCor」

2017年9月19日 — The MiCor™ app works optimally with the groundbreaking MiCor™ A100 ECG wearable cardiac event recorder, to display the cardiac waves and ...

Mitac launches wearable ECG

2016年9月29日 — Mitac Europe has announced the launch of its MiCor A100, an electrocardiograph wristband that measures heart rhythm and highlights symptoms ...

MiCor™ A100

Single-lead patient-triggered ECG recorder · Dry electrode sensors · Battery life:Up to 15 days with Activity/Sleep monitoring on · Waterproof:IP27 · Charging time: ...

MiCor on the App Store

2017年9月19日 — The MiCor™ app works optimally with the groundbreaking MiCor™ A100 ECG wearable cardiac event recorder, to display the cardiac waves and ...

脈刻腕式心電圖紀錄器主要使用的手術 - 元氣網

心電圖描記器. 醫材主要作用. 詳如中文醫材說明書核定本. 醫材規格說明. 英文品名, MiCor A100 Wearable ECG Recorder. 醫材風險級數, 2(中風險). 申請商名稱, 神達電腦 ...

MiCor™ A100 - Legacy

Single-lead patient-triggered ECG recorder; Dry electrode sensors; Battery life:Up to 15 days with Activity/Sleep monitoring on; Waterproof:IP27 ...


2019年7月30日 — The MiCor™ app works optimally with the groundbreaking MiCor™ A100 ECG wearable cardiac event recorder, to display the cardiac waves and ...


2018年1月26日—MiCorA100WearableECGRecorder.Applicant.MITACINTERNATIONALCORP.NO.200,WENHUA2NDRD.GUISHANDIST.TAOYUANCITY,TW33383.Applicant ...,2017年9月19日—TheMiCor™appworksoptimallywiththegroundbreakingMiCor™A100ECGwearablecardiaceventrecorder,todisplaythecardiacwavesand ...,2016年9月29日—MitacEuropehasannouncedthelaunchofitsMiCorA100,anelectrocardiographwristbandthatmeasuresheartrhythmandhigh...